Wednesday, August 24, 2011

secret hidden behind ktp

For those of you who have aged 17 years or more would you have had or at least have known what it is KTP (Identity Card). But perhaps most of you do not know if just from the numbers contained in your ID card, can show exactly where you live, your gender and date of your birth. Once again I emphasize only the number without seeing the other information contained on your ID card.

ID number, it is realized or not, a number that is so important for the citizens of Indonesia. Maybe your ID card number is more important than your bank account number. Each form must be filled there by masyasarat, there is usually a box where the charging ID number, whether it's a form for a replacement ATM card, open a bank account, make a driver's license or other form. In short, the ID number is very important to us all as citizens of Indonesia.

ID number that we have had a 16 digit number is composed as follows:


ID Number Description

PP is the number code of the Province where the issuance of ID cards.
KK is the code number Regency / Municipality where the issuance of ID cards.
CC is the district code number where the issuance of ID cards.

HH is today's date of birth of owner ID card.
MM is the month of birth of owner ID card.
TT is the year of birth of owner ID card.

RRRR is the registration number listed when filing the manufacture ID (Registry Number)

Phone area code either Province, Regency / City and District, each taken from a number area code is based on the classification system from the Central Statistics Agency (BPS). So suppose, if you apply for ID cards in the district of Menteng, Central Jakarta. Then the first 6 digits on your ID card number is 317 302. Where the 31 indicates the area code of DKI Jakarta, then show the code number 73 Central Jakarta City area and number 02 shows the code Menteng subdistrict.

The next 6 digits are marked HHBBTT is the date, month and year of birth of the holder. For 2-digit date of birth of HH indicating there is little special treatment. Where if the holder is a woman then the date of birth will be added to the 40. Reason number 40 is added to give a clear distinction. With the number of days in a month the maximum amount to 31, then taken a bigger number than it is to provide a clear distinction. Suppose if coupled with the number 20, a woman who was born on the 5th if added 20 will be 25 to be confused with a man who was born on the 25th.

While the figures are taken for the TT is last 2 digits of birth year ID card holders. So when the holder was born on August 17, 1975 HHBBTT then six digits with the number 170 875 will be written when he was male and 570 875 when she is a woman.

Last 4 digits marked RRRR is the registration number. This is the number listed when filing making ID cards. Numbers is what keeps no two people who lived in the same area and have sex and same birth date has the same ID number. So if for example after the A registered, it turns out no one else in the district which turned out to have the date, month and year are identical to the A and the same sex then he will have a different registration number to distinguish it from the A.

The terms on social networks

Many of the terms - a new term used in social networking media ... At least we have to follow the progress, let us know and let not shy just follow ane

You know who the Afgan? Ever hear the song whose title sadistic. Isitilah was originally using that same people in the forum trading Kaskus. Suppose there is advertising, "Sell the motor, can nego, no afgan," it means, can be negotiable but do not sadistic!

Many versions of the states. Starting from lebay children, children wander, but it is often called the child's kite. That said, the term is used to refer to children who often appear in music tv. Red-haired and dark-skinned like most playing kites so. But over time, said alay often used for children who exist pretentious, narcissistic, and so tacky.

Bais means exhausted, just in alternating arrangement wrote the letter. "Toll I Bais, ntr kabarin yes if already togethers!"

This word stands out enough. Okay, cukstaw! "Oh, so yes? Fine! cukstaw! "

On Twitter, I often really like this clay hastag. Usually # eaaa used someone to jamming tweet words rag. The word was coined and popularized by Tukul Arwana, usually pronounced fit Tukul doing strange movements.

Elo I End
Sentence again many people imitated was popularized in tanyangan Opera Cagur Wendy Van Java. These words could be a Trending Topic on Twitter. This sentence is used only for bercandaan only.

More or less the same meaning like stalking or nephew. Used for pointing the nature of people who want to know something until rummaged information from anywhere, including social networking.

For this one, until my friend there who was crowned as the king troubled. Whenever that was unveiled to him. The word is actually included in the troubled Indonesian standard listed in the dictionary, it means not feeling abysmally messy, restless, indecisive. But whoever started it. The word hubbub suddenly popular in social networking. Often comes up with # hubbub and confusion that smells like # galaucity, # galaugombal, # lagugalau. In fact, many Twitter account using the word upset. like @ RadioGalauFM, @ galaubijak, @ galaugila.

derived from the word alone is altered slightly, given affixes *- es * behind. "Gw unfollow ah, because gengges, cute ass picture .*

Mean false news, taken from the same word in English that means a hoax. It could also be in an American film called The Hoax (2006) are considered to contain lies. Initially only the Internet users in America alone that make-term hoax, but after a long time to be using that word around the world.

Often really hear this. This word is often dipake Commercial Sex Workers (CSW) at the beginning of the 2000s make mention arrogant man and rarely smiles. This word eventually become a general word that refers to the people using that for bitchy, grumpy and not friendly.

Derived from the word Kaypoh. Using that a lot of Hokkien in Singapore and the region. Just like fudul, nephew means curious, meddling, and not be silent. This word has negative connotations rada. "He's already broken anyway belom same as his girlfriend?" "Iiih, really kep the loo!"

means diem or sculpting usually embarrassed or do not know what to dilakuin. "Immediately I was Seeing kicep test questions of Physics ..."

development of lebay word that is also a popular language since around 2006, which means excessive. "Not a day I'll see you guys it's not seen a year" "Iiih, lebeh lo!"

Abbreviation of the word lazy motion. "Laper but Mager."

Shows the coquettish behavior to attract the attention of people like.

Is wiped dirty hands in diam2 sesautu atay exposed, could the wall, clothes etc. others.

Not a new term anyway. But perhaps many of the uninitiated, the narcissist is also a legend you know. Derived from the Greek story, there is one handsome man named Narcissus who refuse to love a girl named Echo. Then a broken heart and cursed Narcissus fell in love with for his own reflection in the pond. Now, the word narcissistic used for describing the same people who really like themselves, one sign is a hobby very own photo.

That is okay, comes from the Inggrs, "all right" which diplesetin author nor the pronunciation.

Abbreviation of the word "MOST CAN." Ordeal was the toughest moment tweet Seeing you with him .. "" Yelah, palbis lo, hahah! "

This term is usually used for commenting on things that are cool, gokil, excited. "Loss lo not come, the show really broke out semalem!"

that is false, a lie, not sincere.

Never asked deh. This term we often hear through the Sule joke. Its use is almost similar to the "cieee" or "ihiiy".

Derived from the Sundanese, means offended, cranky and kesel.

Mean complicated, troublesome or rese. "Why does my phone lo middle instead gini? Rempong deh! "

Can be interpreted relaxed, slow, slowly

Sokil Gob
Is a play on the word "Gokil, bro!" That same gokil aja kayak, which is crazy but dalama positive sense. Usually using that for describing something splashy, funny or unique. While sob boss is the opposite of the word, which is used as a shorter calls for someone familiar.

Play on the word cousin.

derived from the word funny, only inverted - behind.

This word comes from "Oh no", who deliberately let diplesetin Onyo impressed so funny. They say kaloa unyu mean puppy from Sanskrit. Clearly, this word often using that to show things that are funny, cute, ngegemesin.

Say the word yalsi repeatedly, what new words we hear? Yalsi is a play on the word shit. "Speech can not connect because of the pending fuel, yalsi!"

LIke Facebook in forbidden in Germany

Germans should not click on the "like" on Facebook. Why?

The state government of Schleswig-Holstein in Germany ordered all government agencies and citizens not to click on the "Like" on Facebook, and should be shut down Facebook fan page, as violating data privacy laws in Germany and Europe.

The official statement from the institution of the Independent Centre for Privacy Protection, Germany, said the information "like" retrieved from Facebook users in Germany, gathered up the Centre, and the process is actually contrary to the privacy laws in Germany.

Not only that, even German citizens are also allowed to open a Facebook account. As written in the release, "Whoever opens, the company will be tracked for two years."

As quoted from Cnet, Patrick Noyes, Facebook spokesman commented, "We reject the accused is not in line with EU data protection laws. Keys 'Like' is a popular feature ... which has been profitable for businesses and individuals. "

But it admitted it would review the material from
Independent Centre for Privacy Protection.

Friday, August 19, 2011

Sayangilah kekasihmu sebelum ini terjadi.

Kisah sedih :
Sepasang kekasih sedang melaju lebih dari 100 km/jam di jalan dengan sebuah motor.

Cewek : Pelan-pelan, aku takut.

Cowok : Tidak, ini menyenangkan.

Cewek : Tidak, ini sama sekali tidak menyenangkan. Please, aku takut!

Cowok : Baik, tapi katakan dulu bahwa kamu mencintaiku.

Cewek : Aku mencintaimu! Sekarang pelankan motornya!

Cowok : Sekarang beri aku pelukan yang erat.

(Lalu si cewek memeluknya)

Cowok : Bisakah kamu melepas helmku & kamu pakai? Helm ini sangat menggangguku!

(Si cewek itu pun menurutinya)

Keesokan harinya ada berita di koran sebuah sepeda motor menabrak gedung karena rem-nya blong.

Ada dua orang di atas motor itu, tetapi hanya satu orang yang selamat.

Yang terjadi sebenarnya adalah bahwa di tengah jalan saat kecepatan tinggi, si cowok berusaha me-Rem utk memperlambat, tp si cowok menyadari bahwa rem motornya rusak, tapi dia tidak ingin membiarkan kekasihnya tau.

Dia meminta kekasihnya berkata dia mencintainya & merasakan pelukannya, karena dia tau itu untuk terakhir kali baginya.

Dia lalu menyuruhnya memakai helm supaya kekasihnya akan tetap hidup walaupun itu berarti ia yang akan mati...

Pernahkah kamu mencintai seseorang sampai sebesar ini ???
Ataukah hanya sebatas memperhatikannya, peduli, menelpon / mengirimkannya sms hanya untuk membuatnya bahagia?

Pernahkah kamu mengatakan "AKU MENCINTAIMU" padanya?

Ataukah kamu menunggu untuk mengatakan itu disaat kamu berada dlm situasi seperti diatas motor itu?

Jika tidak, kamu masih punya kesempatan untuk mencintainya lebih lagi.

Jangan menyimpan rasa cinta itu hanya di dalam hati. Katakan padanya bahwa kau mencintainya

Karena kamu tidak pernah tau, apakah besok kamu masih punya waktu dan kesempatan untuk mengungkapkannya..

Monday, August 15, 2011

Cerita seorang tukang bakso

Di suatu senja sepulang kantor, saya masih berkesempatan untuk ngurus tanaman di depan rumah, sambil memperhatikan beberapa anak asuh yang sedang belajar menggambar peta, juga mewarnai. Hujan rintik rintik selalu menyertai di setiap sore di musim hujan ini.

Di kala tangan sedikit berlumuran tanah kotor,...terdengar suara tek...tekk.. .tek...suara tukang bakso dorong lewat. Sambil menyeka keringat..., ku hentikan tukang bakso itu dan memesan beberapa mangkok bakso setelah menanyakan anak - anak, siapa yang mau bakso ?

"Mauuuuuuuuu. ...", secara serempak dan kompak anak - anak asuhku menjawab.

Selesai makan bakso, lalu saya membayarnya. ...

Ada satu hal yang menggelitik fikiranku selama ini ketika saya
membayarnya, si tukang bakso memisahkan uang yang diterimanya. Yang satu disimpan dilaci, yang satu ke dompet, yang lainnya ke kaleng bekas kue semacam kencleng. Lalu aku bertanya atas rasa penasaranku selama ini.

"Mang kalo boleh tahu, kenapa uang - uang itu Emang pisahkan? Barangkali ada tujuan ?" "Iya pak, Emang sudah memisahkan uang ini selama jadi tukang bakso yang sudah berlangsung hampir 17 tahun. Tujuannya sederhana saja, Emang hanya ingin memisahkan mana yang menjadi hak Emang, mana yang menjadi hak orang lain / tempat ibadah, dan mana yang menjadi hak cita cita penyempurnaan iman ".

"Maksudnya.. ...?", saya melanjutkan bertanya.

"Iya Pak, kan agama dan Tuhan menganjurkan kita agar bisa berbagi dengan sesama.
Emang membagi 3, dengan pembagian sebagai berikut :

1. Uang yang masuk ke dompet, artinya untuk memenuhi keperluan hidup sehari - hari Emang dan keluarga.

2. Uang yang masuk ke laci, artinya untuk infaq/sedekah, atau untuk melaksanakan ibadah Qurban. Dan alhamdulillah selama 17 tahun menjadi tukang bakso, Emang selalu ikut qurban seekor kambing, meskipun kambingnya yang ukuran sedang saja.

3. Uang yang masuk ke kencleng, karena emang ingin menyempurnakan agama yang Emang pegang yaitu Islam. Islam mewajibkan kepada umatnya yang mampu, untuk melaksanakan ibadah haji. Ibadah haji ini tentu butuh biaya yang besar. Maka Emang berdiskusi dengan istri dan istri menyetujui bahwa di setiap penghasilan harian hasil jualan bakso ini, Emang harus menyisihkan sebagian penghasilan sebagai tabungan haji. Dan insya Allah selama 17 tahun menabung, sekitar 2 tahun lagi Emang dan istri akan melaksanakan ibadah haji.

Hatiku sangat...... .....sangat tersentuh mendengar jawaban itu. Sungguh sebuah jawaban sederhana yang sangat mulia. Bahkan mungkin kita yang memiliki nasib sedikit lebih baik dari si emang tukang bakso tersebut, belum tentu memiliki fikiran dan rencana indah dalam hidup seperti itu. Dan seringkali berlindung di balik tidak mampu atau belum ada rejeki.

Terus saya melanjutkan sedikit pertanyaan, sebagai berikut : "Iya memang bagus...,tapi kan ibadah haji itu hanya diwajibkan bagi yang mampu, termasuk memiliki kemampuan dalam biaya....".

Ia menjawab, " Itulah sebabnya Pak. Emang justru malu kalau bicara soal mampu atau tidak mampu ini. Karena definisi mampu bukan hak pak RT atau pak RW, bukan hak pak Camat ataupun MUI.

Definisi "mampu" adalah sebuah definisi dimana kita diberi kebebasan untuk mendefinisikannya sendiri. Kalau kita mendefinisikan diri sendiri sebagai orang tidak mampu, maka mungkin selamanya kita akan menjadi manusia tidak mampu. Sebaliknya kalau kita mendefinisikan diri sendiri, "mampu", maka Insya Allah dengan segala kekuasaan dan kewenangannya Allah akan memberi kemampuan pada kita".

"Masya Allah..., sebuah jawaban elegan dari seorang tukang bakso".